Monday, September 29, 2014

What a Sunday!

Rev. Ed was great at Charleston Unity. And Lara Oshon added amazing soul with her singing. I liked her last year, but this year she is a shining SOUL singer. The sermon and Lara were so good that I stayed for second sermon for first time! It was all about I AM LOVE AND LOVE IS FORGIVING  to me. Rev. Ed had a slide of The Buddha pointing at the moon to help illustrate that the truth is not in words - only by experiencing it. He wisely stated that the better Buddha illustration would have him pointing at his own heart. Only we can know the truth and it is the "peace beyond understanding" - even beyond feeling or emotions. I felt like many people got that truth inside with the  sermon and the beautiful songs, I stayed for lunch by the YOU group and for concert, so I was in bliss there from 7:30 meditation (mindfulness walking between meditation and sermon) until 2:30 when I went to the Backporch Story telling group where I enjoyed telling story of the Missing Golden Gate Bridge, so what a rapturous day it has been!  I found out that Lara had a near fatal accident last Sept. and that was a large reason for her shining even brighter. She talked about the importance of vulnerability in her work just as Ed does so in his sermons! YOU ARE LOVE AND LOVE IS FOR GIVING

Ron Alexander shared a "mystery yarn" about his trip to San Francisco recently for a conference and the disappearance of the famed Golden Gate Bridge. He was having a good time passing familiar landmarks and reminiscing as he drove along the bay by famous landmarks, enjoying the scents of Giradelli Square and Fisherman's Warf.  But, though constantly keeping an eye peeled for the Golden Gate as he drove along the road by the bay, he wondered why he couldn't spot the bridge--where had it gone?!  Suddenly, he was shocked when he realized he had finally reached, and was now actually driving on, the Golden Gate Bridge. He hadn't been able to see it on the long approach - because the fog had been so thick!
     Hope you all have clear sailing till we meet again....
See you Sat October 25 at the North Charleston Halloween/Harvest Festival ! 

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