Monday, September 8, 2014


Perfect Love Casts Out Fear
Love alone breaks down the barriers of fear. The only thing that can overcome fear is confidence in love.
We must learn to turn from all the little petty things that fret us, from the obstructions that seem so insurmountable, from the problems that seem too great to be solved. Realizing that there is “no fear in love, and perfect love casts out fear,” we should open our whole being to a love of everything, of everyone, for love to be real it must be all-inclusive.
Realizing that I cannot ask for that which I refuse to give, I look upon all the earth as a dwelling place of Spirit. I love all creation and enter into conscious union with people, things and events. Realizing that the kingdom of heaven is ever at hand, I seek to become a worthy inhabitant of this kingdom, knowing that everyone is subject to the law of love, that everything is gradually being made perfect through that law.     (paraphrased from Ernest Holmes)
  • Ron Alexander LIKE: We must learn to turn from all the little petty things that fret us, from the obstructions that seem so insurmountable, from the problems that seem too great to be solved. Realizing that there is “no fear in love, and perfect love casts out fear,” we should open our whole being to a love of everything, of everyone, for love to be real it must be all-inclusive.
  • Ron Alexander SHIFT CHANGER for me! we should open our whole being to a love of everything, of everyone, for love to be real it must be all-inclusive.
    Jack Lenchiner ·
    At hand and heart!
    Paula Suttles Murphy · 2 mutual friends
    Thanks for sharing
    Subodh Kumar Misra Love and Light. Regards!
    Effie Aghili Smiling ...This is great and so beautiful

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