Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Leave a Trail of Magic wherever you go

Photo: **Another beautiful & encouraging message from Hilarion :) <3 <3 <3

"As you move through each day, stay centered within your sacred heart space and send love and blessings to all that is around you...You are beings of light and love and this is the reason you are here during these turbulent times. Your calming and loving presence is much needed and you each have the capacity to create calm and peace within the sphere of your influence. This sphere is much larger than you can imagine, Dear Ones, and gives upliftment to those within it. Continue to be the blessing of the divine in human form, for this is your purpose and your destiny. Release all doubts that may impinge upon your human consciousness telling you otherwise. Believe in yourselves, that you are bearers of light and of love, that you bring healing to those around you, that you awaken those in your vicinity by your very presence, and that this takes place automatically as you move about your day.

...You are important in the grand scheme of the higher workings of the divine plan and without you there would be a void for the area in which you reside. Continue to be open to allow all the good of the universe to flow in you and through you. Live each day in joy and gratitude for all the abundance which surrounds you. You are the matrix breakers and this is how it is being accomplished. It does not happen through force or violent revolution, it happens from within you and through you by your willingness to let the divine do its work...

The way before you is beckoning and the state of joy is the new way of human expression. Maintain this focus and do not lose faith in yourselves or the good that is being accomplished. YOU are the wonder and the magic of the new world that is dawning upon the horizon - YOU are the creators and the designers of the new Earth reality. Within each of YOU and the Awakening Ones lies the hope and the beauty of the new world. Stay true, stay focused, REMEMBER, and hold this vision." :) <3 <3 <3

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