Thursday, September 4, 2014


Have you hungered for an authentic spiritual realization that allows you to release all of the seeking, grasping and struggling – and find yourself at home in the palpable presence of The Divine?
Miranda Macpherson is a rapidly rising spiritual teacher who offers an integrated approach to spirituality that penetrates partial truths to reveal the radiant majesty and indescribable beauty at your core.
She has a distinctly feminine perspective on non-dual realization inspired by extensive study of the world’s mystical traditions, A Course in Miracles and Sri Ramana Maharishi, whose presence pervades the holy mountain where Miranda was ushered beyond her familiar identity into deep silence. What followed was a powerful dissolving of her inner being and outer life, requiring radical trust and surrender. This opened up whole new dimensions of grace, and the possibility for us all to embody and live every day life from deeper ground of being.
Miranda brings a wealth of extensive teaching experience over twenty years, ten where she was spiritual director of a groundbreaking program training over 600 interfaith ministers and spiritual counsellors.
In recent years she has been guiding groups of advanced aspirants who are ripe to let go of the paradigm of ‘seeking’ and truly land at home within themselves, through the practice of ego relaxation. (opening to the divinity they already are).
Miranda’s teaching methods marry an exquisite and piercing capacity for clear insight with an overflowing, loving heart that helps you release your aversion to any aspect of yourself. She guides you in shedding the conditioning that obscures the truth of who YOU really are, and helps you approach the path with tenderness and self-forgiveness.
During this free teleseminar event with Miranda, you’ll be able to relax into a larger field of grace – feel the healing balm of unconditional love AS yourself – and learn why so many of your efforts to improve, grow and evolve leave you unsatisfied.
She will share how you can empty out, again and again, to allow grace to fill you up in a way that creates a lasting sense of fulfillment.
By learning to let go of your habits of control, you can become receptive to grace at a deeper level than your mind. In the space beyond your strategies, you can discover that strength, clarity, wisdom and love are abundantly present, – allowing you to meet life’s personal and collective challenges with spiritual maturity.
While you may have heard other non-dual spiritual teachers describe similar truths, we can assure you that Miranda is quite unique. She is generating excitement as a spiritual pioneer who has steeped herself in the world’s mystical traditions and developed a unique body of teachings. She has a down-to-earth, no-nonsense directness that flows from her Australian upbringing, which is paired with a honeyed voice that calls us tenderly home – her words like a mother’s lullaby (and it’s no coincidence that she is a beautiful singer weaving mantra and kirtan throughout her teachings).
The Shift Network’s founder Stephen Dinan says about Miranda, “Of all the new spiritual teachers I’ve met in the last year, Miranda stands out as the most luminous – truly embodying what she teaches and speaking with clarity, love and revelatory depth. She transmits a divine quality of consciousness, while also not getting caught up in the trappings of being a guru. She’s accessible and masterful at the same time. A true gem!”
During the call, Miranda will draw from her “pillars of awakening” teaching that cultivates that perennial virtues that ripen our soul. This helps us connect to the boundless stream of inner nourishment where we gain access to everything you need to thrive.
You’ll learn:
  • How our attempts to transform ourselves often backfire as a form of self-rejection
  • Why the impulse to seek God takes us out of the receptive state that allows more and more of the Divine presence to open in us
  • How to truly relax into realization, rather than chase after special states.
  • How to become undefended in a way that allows unconditional love to permeate your being
  • Ways to identify the stories you tell yourself and how to let them go
  • The key to real humility, which is different than putting yourself down
If you want to unwind the roots of suffering in yourself and access a limitless stream of spiritual nourishment, this is the call event for you.

About Miranda Macpherson

Miranda Macpherson is a contemporary spiritual teacher, counselor and author of the spiritual guidebook Boundless Love (Random House 2002). Miranda has been teaching internationally since 1995 and is known for her depth of presence, clarity, and refined capacity to guide people into direct experience of the sacred.
Miranda’s work is a synthesis of Self-Inquiry, spiritual psychology, devotion and meditation practice, offered with feminine grace that embraces our everyday human experience as a gateway into the depths of our true nature. Through a blend of silent transmission and articulate teaching, she leads retreats and on-going programs oriented to guiding people into direct spiritual experience while providing a practical map for actualizing our realization into daily life. Drawing from the ancient lineages of Advaita, mystical Christianity with more recent wisdom teachings such as A Course In Miracles, Miranda leads from the ground of unconditional love and compassion for our humanity, emphasizing receptivity, discrimination and surrender.
Miranda is founder of the ground-breaking “OneSpirit Interfaith Foundation” in London, and today leads the “Awakening Love and Wisdom” sangha in Marin and Sonoma counties. She teaches retreats in the United States and in Europe, and is working on a new book “Tasting Grace”. She lives in the San Fransisco Bay area and is married to Bob Duchmann, a teacher of the Diamond Approach (A.H. Almass’ Ridwhan School).

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