Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Incredibly Powerful Doorway

Grief is a felt experience of love for something lost or that we are losing. That is an incredibly powerful doorway.
Chris Jordan(
680 × 524 -

Muriel Pilon ...Just finished a lengthy doorway on this one. Miigwetch
Lisa Williams It also made me much more honest and open, with myself, and others!
Ron Alexander Thanks Lisa Williams, and it is still working on me! I think we just have to live with it, and continually remember to be very gentle with ourselves and others.
Divine Timing for me Unity Charleston SC, as I am traveling to San Francisco for a reunion with an org. that I worked with Life-threatened young adults 25 - 28 years ago! I have been going through organizing photos of these Angels on Earth to take back to their grief-stricken Mothers. Brings up tears just writing about it, however I am blessed to have this opportunity!

    Kristin Mahoney I am not fond of grief or loss though It is part of the Circle of life ~ ` the lesson is to live with gratitude and appreciation for every breath and memory we can make and treasure

    Lorane Jeanveau I so agree with you all on this orward


    Dan J Long · Friends with Bonita Hyman and 1 other
    Of all the emotions that I dealt with, the anger that I felt was the most difficult and scariest..... I lashed out in ways that were so foreign to me. I will be eternally grateful for the friends who understood and supported me.


    Rodolfos Eleftheriadis So, he lives more deeply! and that's good.

    Debbie Braughton Smith · 2 mutual friends
    I know I have never been the same...since the loss of Brad. There is no doubt about it...You look at everything that happens in your life, whether good or bad, , in a different way. When you lose someone, you become very vulnerable....because you realize, that it can actually happen to YOU......

  • Ron Alexander Very important to learn that anger is a step we all must go through, and ANGER IS NOT HATRED! In my background, equating anger with hatred has really been hurtful.

    Don Long:
    Thank you Ron. When I was going through those various stages, I really thought I was going mad. Afterwards, I vowed that I would be there for all of my friends when they had to go through grief. I'm so glad I saw this post this morning.............................. Take care.



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