Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Gratitude for Every Day


Make each day your home. Greet it as you would greet an old friend, come for tea. It won’t last long, and that’s why it’s so precious, sacred even. 

See its astonishing colours, feel its wild feelings. Let its joys move you to tears, be floored by its sadnesses. Feel the vibrant life surging through every pore of this day of all days.

And at its end, lay your head on its pillow, sink into its vastness, tumble into its bottomlessness. Will another day come? And does it matter, when this day has been so full? Be willing to be blind to all your tomorrows.

A day, fully lived, will always be more than enough. 

Gratitude is the key, and the lock was never made.

~ Jeff Foster
Make each day your home. Greet it as you would greet an old friend, come for tea. It won’t last long, and that’s why it’s so precious, sacred even.
See its astonishing colours, feel its wild feelings. Let its joys move you to tears, be floored by its sadnesses. Feel the vibrant life surging through every pore of this day of all days.
And at its end, lay your head on its pillow, sink into its vastness, tumble into its bottomlessness. Will another day come? And does it matter, when this day has been so full? Be willing to be blind to all your tomorrows.
A day, fully lived, will always be more than enough.
Gratitude is the key, and the lock was never made.
~ Jeff Foster

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