Monday, September 22, 2014

Does Unconditional Love exist?

Here is my answer to friend who does not believe in IT:
  I guess you have to experience IT! My Maternal Grandmother sent my unconditional Love from birth as she knew my parents did not want me. She took me out of the crib when I was an infant "against the schedule" that peditricians wanted at the time. She was not a hugger or did not say much, however I could feel her love and still do - she lived until seeing me graduate from college, and then died peacefully soon after believing she was going to join her beloved husband in Heaven. I AM BLESSED TO STILL FEEL HER ETERNAL UNCONDITIONAL LOVE! SHE SAVED MY LIFE, AND NO ONE CAN CONVINCE ME OTHERWISE! I AM SO GRATEFUL TO BUBBA AND HER HUBBY PAD, AS THEY WERE MY LIFE-SAVING MEDICINE GROWING UP! ESPECIALLY BUBBA AS SHE LIVED MUCH LONGER!

Loving unconditionally is the ultimate detachment and the ultimate treasure. #haroldwbecker #unconditionallove #thelovefoundation

I guess you have to experience IT! My Maternal Grandmother sent my unconditional Love from birth as she knew my parents did not want me. She took me out of the crib when I was an infant "against the schedule" that peditricians wanted at the time. She was not a hugger or did not say much, however I could feel her love and still do - she lived until seeing me graduate from college, and then died peacefully soon after believing she was going to join her beloved husband in Heaven. I AM BLESSED TO STILL FEEL HER ETERNAL UNCONDITIONAL LOVE! SHE SAVED MY LIFE, AND NO ONE CAN CONVINCE ME OTHERWISE! I AM SO GRATEFUL TO BUBBA AND HER HUBBY PAD, AS THEY WERE MY LIFE-SAVING MEDICINE GROWING UP! ESPECIALLY BUBBA AS SHE LIVED MUCH LONGER!

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