Sunday, September 14, 2014

Cosmic Law: Light Beings can do for us only what they can do THROUGH us, and only if we ASK and surrender to the greater Light.

What if after Earth was created, a call went out through the Universe inviting Lights to inhabit it as Humans, Being Light on Earth ? What if you are one of Lights, born on Earth with veils, who forgot, who only now is remembering that we came from Light. What if you have hundreds of 'best friends of Light' (We often call them Angels.) that did not come with you to Earth, who want to help you, Human Kind, IF you would only ask them to?
Cosmic Law: Light Beings can do for us only what they can do THROUGH us, and only if we ASK and surrender to the greater Light.

Yes, your prayers are powerful. They can be multiplied at least a thousand-fold, by ASKING Beings of Light to amplify force fields of Peace and Loving Kindness in our personal lives and for our Beloved Earth.
May we grow up and pray for what brings greater Love and Light for all of Earth. WE ARE ONE.
Infinite Gratitude!


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