Monday, September 29, 2014

Clear Conscience?

There is no pillow so soft as a clear conscience.

Richard Kent Matthews Chronic guilt, yes, but sometimes a little guilt will help you break some nasty habits. Like lying, or cheating, or gossiping. Guilt would not exist as an emotion if it did not serve some purpose. So, I say hurrah for guilt. It has its uses.
Ron Alexander Did you happen to see the image (butterfly) with "Healthy guilt is time-limited and proportional to the offense?" Rev. Richard Kent Matthews

Richard Kent Matthews No, but I get it.

Ron Alexander Hmm, I could of put that post on top! Now, I feel guilty - healthy - not

Ron Alexander Well, what about it! RevRichard Kent Matthews actually "liked" one of my posts - and it had to be about guilt. I used to sail with an organization that was full of Catholics in the tropics. We would be somewhere in paradise nowhere near a church, and you shudda seen the guilt, now even on a beautiful day in crystal clear water, they were feeling guilty. Now I am thankful I never acquired that type of useless "religious" guilt from the Southern Baptist and Methodists churches I was brought up in!
Ron Alexander Well, what about it! RevRichard Kent Matthews actually "liked" one of my posts - and it had to be about guilt. I used to sail with an organization that was full of Catholics in the tropics. We would be somewhere in paradise nowhere near a church, and you shudda seen the guilt, now even on a beautiful day in crystal clear water, they were feeling guilty. Now I am thankful I never acquired that type of useless "religious" guilt from the Southern Baptist and Methodists churches I was brought up in!
Richard Kent Matthews Many of the 'religious' will tell you that, if you do not feel continual guilt and do continual penance, you are bound for hell. God expects you to be constantly contrite and alway in remembrance of what He did for you on the cross. He just can't seem to let you live in peace. Not a chance. If you make it to heaven, then you get to sit at his feet and tell him forever how wonderful he is. Wow. Sure lookin' forward to that.

Richard Kent Matthews Many Muslims call democracy blasphemy. Well, if you understand Xtianity, it says the same thing. God is a dictator who wants to hold you in servitude forever.



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