Friday, September 5, 2014

Big, gigantic lies!

"You are not worthy, you are not lovable" - Big LIES!
Most of us have heard it at one time or another: "You're not good enough"; "You're not worthy", "You're not lovable"; ”You're not welcome here". But it's all a big lie. It's all a big self-perpetuating shame train that travels from one gene...ration to another, crushing everything in its wake. The truth is much different. You are good enough. You are worthy. You are lovable. You are welcome here. It's time for the shame train to derail at the junction of self-belief and divine uniqueness. It's time we all recognized our worth and put our energy into crafting a life that reflects our inherent magnificence. Shame wastes so much of our time. Life is a time-limited blessing. Let's celebrate this precious birth. For reals.

Photo: Most of us have heard it at one time or another: "You're not good enough"; "You're not worthy", "You're not lovable"; ”You're not welcome here". But it's all a big lie. It's all a big self-perpetuating shame train that travels from one generation to another, crushing everything in its wake. The truth is much different. You are good enough. You are worthy. You are lovable. You are welcome here. It's time for the shame train to derail at the junction of self-belief and divine uniqueness. It's time we all recognized our worth and put our energy into crafting a life that reflects our inherent magnificence. Shame wastes so much of our time. Life is a time-limited blessing. Let's celebrate this precious birth. For reals.

Tammy Priddy Bennett The biggest!
Ron Alexander Thanks Tammy Priddy Bennett, my Dad was guilty of projecting that on me and my brothers - Later, I saw clearly it was a pure projection - it was how he felt about himself, bless his heart!

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