Saturday, September 13, 2014

Awesome day at Unity Charleston, S. c.

Bursting with Delight!

For amazing day of meditation, mandala,  kirtan, puta, mindful walking and had to pass up Dances of Universal Peace at Unity Charleston SC  as it was so late. I was worn out! Special thanks to Mamie Rader, Mary Nelson Nelson, Cindy Gerald Weaks , Susan Boles with Joanna, her fellow fabulous Deeksha Giver, and Marty Levinson!  What a Fantastic terrific awesome Day! Deeksha is Oneness Blessing, Susan and Joanna learned at Oneness University in India!
Gratitude makes us feel bursting with delight, just to remember the gifts we have received. Thus we are doubly blessed when we receive something: for the gift itself and later, in recall, for the miracle of having been given it.
M.J. Ryan(

Mamie Rader It was indeed, an amazing day! Thank you, Ron, for sharing your energy and your love with us throughout the day... And thanks, too, to Chrys Franks for her powerful healing visualization, and Austin O'Malley for his flute magic. It is all so incredibly magnificent... Thank You, God!
Ron Alexander Yes, I am sorry I missed them and only last part of James Himm Mitchell. however that last part was very powerful and loving. Also, I had my heart set on mindfully walking the labyrinth so I left yours early - I was just so out of my intellect that I had to leave! Now I know why the meditation day did not work when you had to go to Columbia dear Mamie Rader!

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