Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Attitudinal Healing in San Francisco

Ra Divikar: Bro. Ron is at a Conference in California where they believe and teach Love is the Essence of your Being. He appears to be in a Blissful Unconditional Love Circle. He said they chanted with a drummer "I am a Sacred Worthy Luminous Being, then looked at each other repeating the same words. Afterwards it was "We are Sacred Worthy Luminous Beings".
The next chant was I am Love, and Love is Forgiving! over and over with You, then We like above. He told me a lot of hugging was going on afterwards and he healed a few relationships that needed healing, and was invited to be honored at a big Honorary Dinner with the luminaries including Dr. Jerry Jampolsky, Diane Cincirione and Carlos Santana to name a few!

The only way to live is to accept each minute as an unrepeatable miracle.
Margaret Storm Jameson(gratefulness.org)
I am back and here is where I got to stay: Blessed I AM!

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