Saturday, August 23, 2014

The Pipe of Reconciliation

Ho! Mitakuye Oyasin - thanks Theda, this will be shared with Shaman Tom Pinkson - Tomas!

Tom Pinkson thank you for sharing this good medicine. I will be taking the Sacred Pipe i was given years ago and that was blessed by Arvil Looking Horse up for my 42nd year of questing on september 8th. Gratitude to the the Elders who pass on the sacred ways to new generations!
"The sacred pipe of the Native Americans is a potent symbol of relationship. Through it the human breath sends to all the six directions the purifying smoke that connects the person to the divine and is the link between all forms of life: "...mitakuye oyasin," we are all relatives."

―Joseph Epes Brown, "The Pipe of Reconciliation" from our Winter 1989 Issue:

Read the essay here:

Photography Credit: Edward S. Curtis, "Cheyenne Indian Smoking a Peace Pipe," 1907
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Photo: "The sacred pipe of the Native Americans is a potent symbol of relationship. Through it the human breath sends to all the six directions the purifying smoke that connects the person to the divine and is the link between all forms of life: "mitakuye oyasin," we are all relatives."

―Joseph Epes Brown, "The Pipe of Reconciliation" from our Winter 1989 Issue:

Read the essay here:

Photography Credit: Edward S. Curtis, "Cheyenne Indian Smoking a Peace Pipe," 1907


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