Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Tear Down that Wall - Be Present, Powerful and Perfect

Tear Down that Wall

The Wall that keeps you from your greater good

There is a God-Power at the center of your being, a Presence that knows neither lack nor limitation, fear nor sickness, distress, nor imperfection. However, most of us build a wall of negative thought between yourself and this perfection. The wall that keeps you from greater good is built of mental blocks, cemented together by fear and unbelief, mixed in the mortar of negative experience.

Now, you are to tear down this wall, to completely destroy it. The view that this wall obstructed is now seen in all its grandeur.  The sun never rally stopped shinning and the River of Life forever flows. The experience of all people is an attempt to merge their own being with this eternal river, not to the loss of their identity, but to the discovery of that self that has never wholly left its heaven.

Say: I know there is a Presence and Perfect Law irresistibly drawing into my experience everything that makes life happy and worthwhile. The good I receive is but the completion of a circle, the fulfillment of my desire for all.

I have placed my reliance in the Power, the Presence, and the Perfection of God. Therefore, I have dominion over all apparent evil. I repudiate all its claims, cast out every fear of, or belief in, that which is not good, and I exercise the dominion that by divine right belongs to me.         
Paraphrased from Ernest Holmes

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