Thursday, August 14, 2014

Reality is Often Kinder

Thought For the Week:  Rev. Ed Kosak, Charleston Unity

One of my favorite all time quotations is "Reality is often kinder than the story we tell about it." Byron Katie.
What is the story that you tell about yourself? The thoughts we think create much of our reality. But oftentimes, the "real" reality, what is true without our minds judging it some way, is often different, more sane, more realistic and rational.
Even if our story about ourselves is partially true, it may not be fully true. People with body image issues fall into this trap often. We need to remember our IAM-GE, the image of God that we are. Notice the play on the word image there? 
Even those of us with pretty good self images fall into this trap. Let's quit being so hard on ourselves! 

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