Monday, August 25, 2014

One Love!

There is One love, and this love is you .
When one has discovered this love it pours all it's essence into this All loving overwhelming sweet spirit for I have given All in a minute in the pouring out of All that I Thought that I was.
Now I know that it is no longer I that live it is Christ here in the place where once I slept.
I hear my Father I AM not part of the seen, but the seer.
I AM Christ in the earth.
You cannot speek for this one but only for the experience that you are having.
I speak not of a self for it left when I agreed to let it go somewhere I don't know, and I don't care.
I come not to defend my oneness as God. I was born that way long before the world was formed.
My agreement with Father is my love for the whole world.
I need not search any longer for I AM here.

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