Tuesday, August 19, 2014

New Healthier Intentions started this week

Monday and today (Tuesday), I have gotten up earlier and after mindful breakfast and meditation. I am doing my gentle aerobics again. Starting with stretching, I jog for one minute, walk mindfully with mantra - "with love I walk in gratitude" for two minutes, then jog for another minute, two minutes of Mindful walking and on to I have stretched for about 5 minutes, then four minutes of jogging interspersed with ten minutes of Mindful walking - a total of 20 minutes with expectations of at least 5 days per week and yoga weekly or biweekly. Also, I still juice for one meal per day. It feels good to be back in this healthy routine. Hopefully, next month, I can get back to Zumba or some form of Ecstatic dance?

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