Friday, August 1, 2014

Metaphysics Simplified

SIMPLICITY. The mysteries and secrets of Existence and Life aren't to be explained and understood by complicated theories and studies, scientific, religious, metaphysical and so on. There is simplicity underneath All! We are in Oneness! It's very simple, natural, logical. We are connected to the eternal One, that is our true Being! But we need first to wake up from this dream of phenomenal reality to the highest reality of Being, and drink from the source of the Light of Life! -Rodolfos~*

Photo: SIMPLICITY. The mysteries and secrets of Existence and Life aren't to be explained and understood by complicated theories and studies, scientific, religious, metaphysical and so on. There is simplicity underneath All! We are in Oneness! It's very simple, natural, logical. We are connected to the eternal One, that is our true Being! But we need first to wake up from this dream of phenomenal reality to the highest reality of Being, and drink from the source of the Light of Life! <3 -Rodolfos~*

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