Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Is your Inner Child Choosing the Love of Your Life?

·        Is Your Inner Child Choosing The Love of Your Life?  Ester Nicholson
What part of your consciousness is doing the choosing when it comes to the intimate partnerships in your life? Is it the inner wounded child (who can only attract another wounded child) or the emotionally balanced and mature adult.
Bet you've never thought about that, have you?
Well perhaps from a place of self-forgiveness, compassion and microscopic honesty, it's time to give this question some deep and serious thought.
In this past year and a half I have had the opportunity to heal the deepest pain I've ever experienced...
I believe that has been the problem with my relationships! Ron
I highly recommend Ester Nicholson's book SOUL RECOVERY!
That is me with the curly hair - I was teased relentlessly - "Only girls have curls".



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