Thursday, August 21, 2014

Holding on to anger is like...

As rain falls on the just and the unjust do not burden your heart with judgements, but rain your kindness equally on all. Buddha


Pamela Arrington This is true. Life is unfair. That's just the way it is.
Lloyd Leamon Hi Pamela this message comes with love. According to Buddha if someone has done a bad thing to another that is there karmic error and they will pay a price for it. The good news about carrying the anger and hurting ourselves is that we can do something about it. We can choose to drop the hot burning coal and stop carrying it. We hold this power. It is not a gift or forgiveness to the perpetrator of our suffering, who has there own karmic destiny to work out. By letting it go emotionally we free ourselves from hurting ourselves over and over again, sometimes more often than the actual event itself.

Pamela Arrington Thank you Lloyd Leamon. I have found there are people who find it easy to forgive themselves for their sins. They say "the Lord has forgiven my sins. I'm saved." Yet, they continue their ways of trespassing against others while satisfying themselves that as long as they admit they are sinner and ask God's forgiveness they are all set for the afterlife. There is no expectation of personal responsibility and if this is true, you can commit every single vice there is as long as you ask God's forgiveness in they last seconds before you die. My belief is God is not a small thing that fits into a tiny box. He is not deceived, nor swayed by flattering words. We are responsible for our brothers and sisters and will answer for what we have done. A cosmic karma if you will. Being around these people makes me feel anxious and gives me a headache so I know I am not good at "letting go". It is a thing I will work on my whole life I suppose. Thanks for sharing your insight and for your kindness.

Lloyd Leamon My new friend although there may be cosmic Karma I do not believe that we need to take on the cosmic burden of those around us, if they are not being responsible for their own journey. If we want to use the Christian version and there is similar in most religions the concept that we forgive them for they know not what they do. or turn the other cheek. If god punishes or not, or forgives or not, or does not even care, is not my concern. My concern is how I treat myself inside spiritually and how I can best effect love externally. What I do know is that when I judge others, or carry anger, resentment, any type of negativity toward others I feel emotional pain. The more I look at the world with compassion, love, acceptance and peace the more at ease I feel. This however is extremely difficult to do around certain types of negative situations, but I do my best. If possible I limit my interaction in those types of situations and if possible remove myself from them.i do not need to offer up my peace of mind to those who do not even know that they disturb it. The Buddha says do not seek peace from without seek peace from within. I do not let anyone live rent free in my head anymore and if I catch them there and they are causing me undeserved discomfort I kick them out. Lol. This concept has set me free.
Ron Alexander LIKE: I do not let anyone live rent free in my head anymore and if I catch them there and they are causing me undeserved discomfort I kick them out. Lol. This concept has set me free. Lloyd Leamon - thank you and Pamela Arrington for a wonderful dialogue vs. a discussion (dissing and cussing)!

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