Thursday, August 14, 2014

A Satisfied Life?

There are few treasures of more lasting worth than the experience of a way of life that is in itself wholly satisfying. Such, after all, are the only possessions of which no fate can deprive us; nothing can alter the fact if, for one moment in eternity, we have really lived.
Eric Shipton(
Cheryl Lynn
  • Susan Boles On the other hand, too much satisfaction can lead to complacency. For me today I prefer living in Gratitude, Appreciation-- knowing there's always greater to experience, to share! Life is beautiful, isn't it!
  • Ron Alexander Yes, vibrantly beautiful. My best day since Pacemaker implanted - mindfulness meditation, food prep., eating, and first yoga class since - still not ready for zumba, however will do some gentle aerobics this afternoon and mindful juice making! Thanks Cheryl Lynn and Susan Boles!


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