Thursday, July 31, 2014

Vaughn's Boone's Seven Giant Steps

Vaughn Boone’s Seven Giant Steps
1. Decide in detail exactly what you wish to accomplish. Then hold the image without wavering. Let this be a continuing process until manifested.

2. Choose your priorities. How much are you willing to give (or give up) to reach your goal? The desire must be foremost to the point of being an obsession.

3. Charge the thought with dynamic will power. This will generate a strong emotional charge.

4. Do not try to determine how it will be accomplished. It would be like telling God how to answer your prayers.

5. Send your request out into the universe by asking that you might receive. Then, seek on your own in every way possible to achieve your goal. Knock on new doors that go beyond your previous experiences.

6. Act as if that which you wish had already come to pass. The subconscious cannot tell the difference between the real and the imaginary, so it sets about to bring into reality that which it accepts.

7. Be thankful for small and large things. This keeps the door to the storehouse open. Recognize God as the ultimate source of your good. People are the channels through which your good will come.
                                                                      J. Vaughn Boone Q

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