Monday, July 28, 2014

Turn off the TV - Read More

Ra Divakar LIKE: Ron Alexander This is in response to below: I am so glad I broke mine moving here last Nov. I am reading some great books, THE DEATH OF SANTINI, EVOLUTION'S CAPTAIN, LIFE AFTER LIFE, BOOK OF ANGELS, MESSENGERS OF LIGHT, AND MORE - I WILL LIST LATER !
ORIGINAL BLISS, 365 Daily Thoughts, Ernest Holmes, LIFE OF THE MYSTIC, CALL OF THE WILD, and now deeply immersed in POWER OF NOW journal that I was inspired to keep on Tolle's book POWER OF NOW! Need to do nothing to be here NOW! (need to hear as I am on heavy medication form allergic reaction to medication from surgery wound where they placed the Pacemaker - spending too much time in the sack alas!

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