Thursday, July 31, 2014

To be useful, honorable and compassionate and making a difference, and you will be happy

Thanks Amy Joslin and Kind Spring
Ron Alexander: And being useful and compassionate ironically leads to happiness!
Kate McKay: And to be happy. Happiness in one of my core values. Amen!
Emily Daniels: And wouldn't all that make anyone happy?

Theda Parks Why does this make me want to immediately burst into the "Happy" song! I do believe we are here to do all the things listed.. but to also find the joy in life. XOXO

    Mamie Rader Chicken and egg concept... can one be truly compassionate if one does not have happiness in her heart?? Can one who is dishonorable BE happy... truly, deep in his soul happy? I think not... one is at the base of the other and a happy heart designs AND results from a useful life... all, of which, of course, increases happiness... at the HEART of it !!!



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