Thursday, July 24, 2014

Petrenko in India

Perhaps this is something that doing only once is enough - that is riding in a sleeper class of the Indian Railways.
- Open windows on both sides for a thorough draft as a climate comfort, very hot with tightly sat passengers in greater num...bers than seats, clothes that stick to your body because the humidity is 100%, crying children and endless sales serenades of chai-wallas.
The upside: you get to reach new level of patience and will get to know local people better than your own.
— at New Delhi.
Nice Boddhisattva, Anatoly Petrenko Vow 3 string(truth, compassion and equanimity?) bracelet on - where and who were you with? I got one from Jack Kornfield in Mass.

Photo: Perhaps this is something that doing only once is enough - that is riding in a sleeper class of the Indian Railways.
- Open windows on both sides for a thorough draft as a climate comfort, very hot with tightly sat passengers in greater numbers than seats, clothes that stick to your body because the humidity is 100%, crying children and endless sales serenades of chai-wallas. 
The upside: you get to reach new level of patience and will get to know local people better than your own.

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