Tuesday, July 29, 2014

More about Opening the Heart - Inner Soul Activation

If you are empowered at soul level, you will have the confidence to stand in that power and to simply say what needs to be said, without fear.
It is only when we shrink away from what is the deepest truth and what needs to be said, that we ...allow ourselves to start living a lie or assume masks.
Whatever is not expressed, whatever is not spoken, whatever is lied - even if to cover up for someone else, moves as muck and debris into our throat chakra. When our throat chakras are clogged up, the upper energy channels are blocked, and the heart energies cannot reach the third eye and crown energy centers.
Therefore, the more we cleanse and clear the debris there, the more the inner truth is expressed. Once you start clearing the throat area, you will be amazed at what debris is removed there!
The throat chakra works with the blue ray and that of Archangel Michael. Ask Archangel Michael to please help you to clear out your throat chakra, and you might even find that black snakes are pulled out from there, and control boxes, as well as negative elementals who logged themselves there or where implanted there in previous lifetimes, especially in Atlantis.
When we speak our truth, then we live congruent to what is inside of us that is truth. The one goes with the other.
Then the heart energies are allowed to open up, for there is no more need to built walls around the heart which were erected by fear.
In the coming week, these cosmic energies are asking us to clear out the throat chakra, so that the upper chakras can be cleared up, and the energy flow flow into the heart and back again into the upper crown and third eye chakra, so that our inner soul activation can truly happen, and with it the next step of our journey into the higher states of conscious awareness
(Judith Kusel)

Photo: If you are empowered at soul level, you will have the confidence to stand in that power and to simply say what needs to be said, without fear.
It is only when we shrink away from what is the deepest truth and what needs to be said, that we allow ourselves to start living a lie or assume masks.
Whatever is not expressed, whatever is not spoken, whatever is lied - even if to cover up for someone else, moves as muck and debris into our throat chakra.  When our throat chakras are clogged up, the upper energy channels are blocked, and the heart energies cannot reach the third eye and crown energy centers.  
Therefore, the more we cleanse and clear the debris there, the more the inner truth is expressed.  Once you start clearing the throat area, you will be amazed at what debris is removed there!
The throat chakra works with the blue ray and that of Archangel Michael.  Ask Archangel Michael to please help you to clear out your throat chakra, and you might even find that black snakes are pulled out from there, and control boxes, as well as negative elementals who logged themselves there or where implanted there in previous lifetimes, especially in Atlantis.
When we speak our truth, then we live congruent to what is inside of us that is truth.  The one goes with the other.
Then the heart energies are allowed to open up, for there is no more need to built walls around the heart which were erected by fear.
In the coming week, these cosmic energies are asking us to clear out the throat chakra, so that the upper chakras can be cleared up, and the energy flow flow into the heart and back again into the upper crown and third eye chakra, so that our inner soul activation can truly happen, and with it the next step of our journey into the higher states of conscious awareness.
(Judith Kusel)

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