Wednesday, July 23, 2014


I feel blessed to know and to be here with so many wonderful enlightened Souls, my friends! Every one has his-her own way to go in life, but when is chosen the spiritual path, it'll bring us eventually together. After all the driving force in this path is Divine Love, and that leads to Re-Union in Oneness! Keep on the path bro & sis souls! -Rodolfos~☆⊱༺☼✿

Photo: I feel blessed to know and to be here with so many wonderful enlightened Souls, my friends! Every one has his-her own way to go in life, but when is chosen the spiritual path, it'll bring us eventually together. After all the driving force in this path is Divine Love, and that leads to Re-Union in Oneness! Keep on the path bro & sis souls! -Rodolfos~☆⊱༺☼✿


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