Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Is Freedom of movement - true freedom? Ron Alexander

The first time I remember experiencing a sense of freedom was as a child looking over the horizon of the ocean, and wondering what was on the other side, and just being at the beach away from the family and all the bickering. Then, when I was older,  I was hitchhiking away from my school. It was a beautiful day, the horizons seem unlimited. Wow, I felt, I could just keep on going. Even later, I started sailing and crossing the gulfstream toward the Bahamas, I experienced that same elation. Sailing and hitchhiking became large for that sense of freedom for years. I did both abundantly, including Europe and many islands all over most of the world.
In 1985, I was accepted into Grad. School in San Francisco, I sold my beloved boat, and with one back pack and on ruck sack and one beautiful dog, I flew out there. That was obviously another symbol and sense of freedom. However, I learned in the somatic therapy training in grad. school, I was loaded down with anger and anxiety from childhood abuse and no matter how much "transcendence" from my yoga-trained meditation, I practiced, it was not going away. The painful emotions were stored away deeply in my cells, and every therapist and "psychic" I worked with could sense it.  With bodywork and mindful meditation, I experienced the painful senses. The pain was so intense, that I could literally almost couldn't bear it! Yet, I knew I could not "transcend" it, like I used to think I could, and so many people I know today think they can.

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