Saturday, July 5, 2014

Good news and bad news on Research Program for Veterans

Soon, I will be participating in a MUSC nutrition research project, where they provide you with 3 shakes per day for 6 months. It is a program that is attempting to prove that the ingredients in this shake (featuring Omega "bravo"(?) will improve your health better than medications. I am having an interview next week, and will let you know more as I find out more. I have just talked with them on the phone today, so there is not much more I can say....thanks Joanna!

    Joy Schultz When I first read that I thought it said a MUSIC nutrition project and I thought how very cool--see how eating with wonderful music affects your nutrition--absorbtion of nutrients, or some variant on that theme. It's good for everything else, why not nutrition?

    Joanna Grace Ducey Thank you, sweet Ron! It is soo great to hear from you and am happy to hear the juicing is still a part of your life

Ron Alexander Well, I have good and bad news. The research is on Omega 3 fatty acids - fish oil. It is to help depressed veterans. The bad news is that I was not accepted into the research after extensive 3 hour interview. The good news is that I am not depressed clinically, and I immediately went out and purchased purified fish oil (liquid) as it goes a lot further. They recommend 3 mg. per day. In fact I was recommended Omega 3 D as the excellent advisor at Earth Fare told me that most people do not get enough D, and it was only a dollar more. "Purified" is very important as the Walmart variety which is much cheaper most likely contains mercury and other metals. So in addition to my juice, I will take the Omega #. And Joy lol MUSC is Medical University of South Carolina, however I like MUSIC analogy - Joy Schultz!


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