Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Eric Gibson after visiting Hopi Village for weeks

I must admit after spending weeks in the Hopi Villiage,returning back to the popular culture was a bit of a culture shock.For six weeks I lived with humble people with very little food,yett they were eager to share what little they had even with a stranger,In this tiny village In the middle of no where I found people who lived with out electric,running water or even a indoor bathrooms,but they indeed the happy people(Hopi) Even my memories of them are cool and soothin to my psyche.After returning to "civilization"I went into a sublime day dream about them ,it helped me to drown out the sound of a man super intent upon bragging about the features in his new 180,000 dollar sports car,heck he mentioned the magical words that are suppose to inspire cart wheels. and a ticker tape parade"Bmw",(guess what??he paid cash)I accidentally broke my self imposed trance and reluctantly,actually listened to what he was telling me about his vibrating seats ,I might have been experiencing seat sickness,but resisted my secret temptation to vomit all over them,lol
Very appreciative of Brother Eric Gibson: Eric, have you heard Jung's quote upon visiting a Tribe and hearing their Chief say that they call white men - "tense faces - always wanting something."?

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