Saturday, July 19, 2014

A High Tech Medical Miracle

Photo: Blessing candle has been lit for the night.  Tonights dedication is to all you warriors who open your hearts & make every encounter a blessing for us all.  Thank you for being YOU & shining your light & love in our world.

"Because, like a caterpillar, we change at a cellular level when we dedicate ourselves to the greater good & commit to releasing anything that would block our light, only the strength of a warrior will allow us to push through the fear.  We are given this strength by virtue of shifiting our identities from the tip of the iceberg to the base (from ego to essence)."   ~ Kimberly Kingsley, Author , PORTALS OF PEACE ~ 

Ron Alexander Thanks MaryRose Winkler, good timing for "Open Heart" as my heart is a little more open, after having miraculous PaceSetter placed in my chest with wires to my heart. I had thought the dizziness and extreme fatigue and some confusion was due to Menieres Disease. However, I found out in ER that it was a slow heart - very slow while resting. Heart rate down to 35, now up to 60 due to the pacemaker. Thankfully, it was not clot where they would have to open up chest. They cut about a 2 by 1 inch "pocket" in chest for pacemaker. It still hurt, and still is sore, as that operation just happened just over 24 hours ago. And I am very grateful for that high technology!


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