Monday, June 16, 2014

The Myth ot the "Rapture"!

Richard Kent Matthews You really don't want me to go into that!! When I was still a fundy, even then, I doubted the veracity of Lindsey. Any time anyone 'predicts' the future, or claims direct word from some god, I write them off. So, that should tell you. By the way, John Nelson Darby in the 19th century got a similar 'word' about the so called Rapture. It's not biblical, it's cultish, and even though more than 500 million people globally believe in it, it has no more reality than the Book of Mormon. Which, by the way, developed around or near the same time as Darby and HIS message. So, both are written off, in my Book.
Richard Kent Matthews And they contradict each other. Both cults, both wrong. So there you have it. ha
Richard Kent Matthews Or:
Rapture doctrine did not exist before John Darby invented it in 1830 AD. Before "popped into John Darby's head" no one had ever heard of a secret rapture doctrine.
The rapture, often called "the blessed hope," is sadly more hoax than hope, even... though the man who started it had no intention of deceiving anyone. You need to know what the Bible actually says!
Richard Kent Matthews And, a Catholic viewpoint:
Library Document Five Myths About the Rapture In the course of writing articles,... giving talks, and writing his book, Will Catholics Be “Left Behind”?, Carl E. Olson encountered a number of questions and comments, mostly from Catholics, indicating the level of confusion which exists about the end tim…
Ron Alexander Thanks so much Rev. Richard Kent Matthews, I knew I could count on you! Many Southern Protestant Churches have taken it in as Literal Truth, and I know the Southern Baptist has incorporated in their teachings and sermons, and it was after Lindsay's book specifically on rapture in the 70's. I was horrified to hear a funeral service using it at a cousin's funeral a few years ago, by Southern Baptist Minister - Senior overlooking the Junior minister's preaching that Thelma and other relatives will Join Jesus in Heaven, after he returns to bring the "Christians" bodily out of their graves - what a laugh - "zombies" leaving "us sinners" back in the graves - guess that is why they don't like cremation. What "hogwash" - when I was a kid in the Baptist and Methodist churches, we were told that "if we loved Jesus, we would go directly to heaven as SPIRITS!" Which is a lot more hopeful, though possibly a fantasy too. At least, it is lot more believable and comforting!

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