Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Rev. Ed Kosak's Thought for the week - you are a soul

Thought For the Week:
One of our congregants sent me a great idea:
"You do not have a soul.
You are a soul.
You have a body."
Been thinking about that one all week. Lines like these are great engagers of the brain, but of what practical use are they? Let's break this one down:
1. Assuming you think the soul is eternal, as Unity does, there can be less fear of death, if no fear at all.
2. Assuming you think the soul is perfect, as I do, then we can take heart that even when we massively screw up, there is that part of us that is perfect, whole healthy and free. We can correct and even grow from how we screwed because we have hope, hope springing from the perfect part of us, rather than hopeless because we're sinful and limited wretched creatures. (Caveat: some distinguish between the soul as mind, and our spirit for them is the perfect part of us, apply here whichever is perfect for you. For me, soul is spirit and the mind is the mind).
3. When we tap into the soul by becoming aware of it in  prayer and meditation, we are enlivened, quickened, energized. How? Because we are tapping into LIFE itself. We are tapping into the evolutionary impulse and life force that created the universe.
How else can the above idea practically benefit us? What say ye o wise ones?

Moi: With the reality of eternity, one need not be bothered by the passage of time. Ron Alexander

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