Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Rev. Ed Kosak's Thought for the week - Divine Flame within!

Thought For the Week: 
The principle that we have a divine flame within us (also called our Purest Potential, The Christ, Our Buddha Nature, God within, etc.), is one that we can look to when we need strength, are down, anxious, feeling badly about ourselves. As the waves are the same as the ocean, so are we to God, individualized expressions of God.
First, we have to be mindful of possessing this goodness/strength. In fact, we have to be mindful of being mindful, as I told the prisoners this AM at the jail! But how exactly does realizing our divine nature help us FEEL better? That's the million dollar question.
Example: One Sunday I was really nervous about a lesson I was about to deliver. To help myself, I did not just think the thought "I am a powerful spiritual being" but I felt what that is like. I imagined myself as that way: loving my material, seeing myself delivering a powerful lesson, hand gestures and all. But most importantly, FEELING the feeling of empowerment. It helps to know that we have a divine essence, but to feel it, imagine it, and act it is even more helpful.
God is not an entity outside of us. God is also INSIDE us and some of us believe that yes indeed, we are God. But if you can't go that far, see yourself as an individualized expression of God, as we each understand God to be. It is something we need to take responsibility for humbly, but with empowerment. It's a very foreign even blasphemous thought to many. But, the Hindus have been thinking it for 5000 years!
What do you think?

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