Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Pray Without Expectations

Pray - period! Don't expect anything. Or better, expect nothing. Prayer cleanses us of expectations and allows holy will, providence, and life itself an entry. What could be more worth the effort - or the non-effort?
Thomas Moore(gratefulness.org)

Sort of like reaching equanimity in meditation. Accepting all, expecting nothing...
staying balanced and calm - creating space around the happy or unhappy situations and letting them pass...

Photo: WORD FOR THE DAY - www.gratefulness.org
Tuesday, Jun. 24

Pray - period! Don't expect anything. Or better, expect nothing. Prayer cleanses us of expectations and allows holy will, providence, and life itself an entry. What could be more worth the effort - or the non-effort?

Thomas Moore

Moore's ideas about prayer make this below sound simplistic:

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