Monday, June 23, 2014

Perfection in Eternal Life

Perfection in Eternal Life
My body is the temple of the Living God. It is Spiritual Substance – i.e. Quantum Physics has proven that everything is really energy in space, some more slow moving than others like in rocks. We are all made up of Energy in Space called Spirit by Ernest Holmes here. I have perfect confidence in my heart that God’s life-giving Spirit is my life. Since God is my life and God is eternal, my life (energy never dies according to Quantum Physics) is eternal. Therefore, I cannot be separated from God, from Good, from Perfection. If I would renew body, mind and affairs, I must first cause my imagination (To approach forgiveness is to close in on the nature of the hurt itself, the only remedy being, as we approach its raw center, to reimagine our relation to it. David Whyte) to rise above them. The Supreme Ruler, omnipresent, therefore existing at the very center of my thought, the Christ within me, really has the power to make all things new.
The Perfect Life of God now expresses Itself through me, and every part of my body expresses its innate perfection and wholeness. As the sun dissolves the mist, so does my knowledge of Truth dissolve all pain and discord. I know the Truth about myself as a Child of God and that Truth makes me free. I am free because the Power of the Living Spirit is my power, and it remolds and re-creates my body after the likeness of the perfect pattern of God. I open wide the doorway of my consciousness to a greater influx from Almighty Spirit. I know that the all-conquering power of Spirit is with me. I accept my birthright, as a Divine being, of manifesting the Life, Love, Peace, Strength, Harmony, and Joy of God – the Infinite Life that dwells within and incarnates Itself in me, as me. –Ernest Holmes


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