Sunday, June 15, 2014

Need Know Nothing - The Open Flower

Ron Alexander's photo.
Ron Alexander's photo.


Don Miguel Ruiz Jr. today put on one of the best workshops I have been to...

We have all unwittingly made agreements about how we choose to live our lives and what we believe our personal truths are. But what we may not realize is that each one of these agreements represents an attachment, a limiting filter on who we think we are, and what the future could hold. We call these attachments “knowledge” without ever questioning if that knowledge is necessarily true for us.  The Five Levels of Attachment provides a guide to understanding how we have developed our belief structures and how to go about re-evaluating or even severing these harmful attachments.
Using a flower as a metaphor, Miguel described 5 levels -
at level 5, the flower is completely closed, fanaticism prevails, beliefs become so important that they are to die for...bloodletting, gangs fighting, assassinations occur, wars, is not valued as much as "knowledge"!
4 level -flower is half closed. knowledge attachment leads to breakups, "my way or the highway", or subordination - the "other" though not agreeing stays loyal - conditional love.
3 level - flower closed a lot but not as much, knowledge is important but a little more flexibility is observed - love is still conditional but glimpses of unconditional love occur.
2 level -  knowledge is needed to exist in the world, however with flexibility, flower opens and closes, yes and no are honored - much more unconditional love is observed. Much more joy and peace!
1 level - flower is completely open, love is unconditional, innocence prevails like a new born baby should be (with no pregnancy issues, pre-natal alcohol or drugs and mostly natural birth)
Absolutely no knowledge is needed. "To enter the gates of heaven, come ye as a child..."
Interestingly, Rswt and I were talking before the workshop and I was saying I thought Charleson Unity was getting better and better, she asked my why, and I said it was because Rev. Ed was letting his delightful, spontaneous inner child out more and more. After the workshop, that is what Rev. Ed said what he liked about Miguel so much.

We are honored to have the son of a master visit us, Don Miguel Ruiz's son, Don Miguel Ruiz, Jr! His book is pictured above and he will be presenting a workshop on this book on Sunday, June 15 at 1pm.
The Five Levels of Attachment: Toltec Wisdom for the Modern World 
Are you Using Knowledge or is Knowledge Using You?
Building on the principles found in his father’s bestselling book The Four Agreements, Miguel Ruiz Jr. explores the ways in which we attach ourselves inappropriately to beliefs and the world.
We have all unwittingly made agreements about how we choose to live our lives and what we believe our personal truths are. But what we may not realize is that each one of these agreements represents an attachment, a limiting filter on who we think we are, and what the future could hold. We call these attachments “knowledge” without ever questioning if that knowledge is necessarily true for us.  The Five Levels of Attachment provides a guide to understanding how we have developed our belief structures and how to go about re-evaluating or even severing these harmful attachments.

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