Thursday, June 26, 2014

Life Sings Through Me in Radiant Ecstasy

Life Sings Through Me in Radiant Ecstasy

Now and always I recognize that I live, move and have my being in God. I am part of the Universal Mind. I am one with Universal Substance (Energy/Ron). All qualities and all the wealth of good and desirable things that exist in Universal Mind are mine now. I perceive, accept, and experience them. I know that all the beauty of form around me is the Garment of God. I know that the Presence that manifests in my heart and mind is God expressing through within that garment of form. As I feel this Presence more and more I hear the Song of Joy deep within me. Always when I am still I hear the Song of Life pouring through my consciousness. I have only to listen, for it is always there.
With this knowledge comes the assurance that the Loving Presence is always here – “closer than my breath…” I have nothing to fear. I feel this loving embrace around me, and I know that it is not only a Song of Joy, but a Song of Love and Protection. I tune out all dull, negative ideas and tune in with the sunshine of life, with brightness and laughter, with the joyous Presence that is Live itself. I now lay aside all anxiety, all striving, and let the Law bring my good to me. I joyfully anticipate greater abundance, more success, more joy. Peace fills my heart and Life sings through me in radiant ecstasy! Ernest Holmes

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