Thursday, June 12, 2014

Learn to rest in the Self, Come to know the Bliss

Deep inside of each one of us is light that is utterly peaceful
and quiet.

It is the you in me and the me in you.
It is unaffected and undisturbed by the outer world.

It is unchanged by birth and death.

It is not limited by time and space.

Teachers can teach you about the world, but only you can come to know the inner you.

This inner light is always pure, ever present, and free of sorrow.

Learn to rest in the Self.

Come to know the Bliss.

Ra Divakar LIKE: ...Teachers can teach you about the world, but only you can come to know the inner you.
This inner light is always pure, ever present, and free of sorrow...
Ra Divakar This goes along with "We Amazing Beings of Light" below:

Ron Alexander Thanks Ra, so true!

Above goes Light to Light with this one:
Amid living beings is the original place or nirvana. How amazing it is that all people have this but cannot polish it into bright clarity. In darkness unawakened, they make foolishness cover their wisdom and overflow. One remembrance of illumination can break through and leap out of the dust of kalapas. Radiant and clear white, the single field cannot be diverted or altered in the three times; the four elements cannot modify it. Solitary glory is deeply preserved, enduring throughout ancient and present times, as the merging of sameness and difference becomes the entire creation's mother. This realm manifests the energy of the many thousands of beings, all appearances merely this field's shadows. Truly embody this reality. 11th century Zen Master Hongzi Zhengjui, Cultivating the Empty Field

Catherine Merrill: Outstanding. Some of The Christian Mystics felt the same way. Then truth is so dazzling when perceived.

Photo: Deep inside of each one of us is light that is utterly peaceful
and quiet.

It is the you in me and the me in you.

It is unaffected and undisturbed by the outer world.

It is unchanged by birth and death.

It is not limited by time and space.

Teachers can teach you about the world, but only you can come to know the inner you.

This inner light is always pure, ever present, and free of sorrow.

Learn to rest in the Self. 

Come to know the Bliss. 

- Vashishta

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