Saturday, June 28, 2014

I am wired - not retired!

Another of my Zumba students is in the news today! Ron Alexander is famous!

Thanks Kelly Bragg - she is an Angel of Joy Zumba Teacher

"Ron Alexander is 69, but don't call him retired. He moved to James Island from North Myrtle Beach, South Carolina in November, and says he's starting his fourth career as a writer and storyteller. Previously, he served in the Army as a medic and was a clinical pathologist, a Coast Guard Licensed Sailing Captain, and a licensed Therapist after grad. School in California.

"I'm not retired, I'm wired," he said. And Zumba plus Story Telling classes here at the Senior Center have really helped me get going again. The Zumba Gold (for the old and the bold) is joyously led by Kelly Bragg and is full of Angels of Joy.

Alexander sailed while he was a student at Clemson, and now works with Vets on Deck, a therapeutic sailing program for military veterans.

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