Thursday, June 12, 2014

Great News for Veterans

Ron -

Excellent news! Yesterday afternoon, the U.S. Senate voted overwhelmingly to expand veterans' health care at VA facilities across the country.

As an Operation Iraqi Freedom veteran who relies on the VA medical system for my primary health care, I wanted to write a note saying thank you for signing our petition on this issue.

Three months ago, the right-wing of the Senate filibustered a similar bill, but now, the VA has the authority to hire more doctors and nurses to keep up with the influx of veterans recently returned from two new wars overseas. Even more, the Senate also voted to increase tuition assistance and job training for veterans returning home, helping them to better reintegrate with society.

It's a big victory, and it has a lot to do with all of us making our voices heard.

But now it's important Senators know that we appreciate their vote on this issue. Use our Contact Congress tool and send a message thanking them for standing up for veterans.

This is one vote, and we all appreciate the action. But there are still a number of Senators and Representatives who have consistently put their small-government at-all-costs ideology ahead of the veterans they've callously sent off to war.

Elected officials like Senator Mitch McConnell, Congressman Tom Cotton and Steve Daines who forget that the commitment to care for the men and women who put on our nation's uniform shouldn't stop once they return home from the wars they were sent to fight.
Ron - 

 Excellent news! Yesterday afternoon, the U.S. Senate voted overwhelmingly to expand veterans' health care at VA facilities across the country. 

 As an Operation Iraqi Freedom veteran who relies on the VA medical system for my primary health care, I wanted to write a note saying thank you for signing our petition on this issue. 

 Three months ago, the right-wing of the Senate filibustered a similar bill, but now, the VA has the authority to hire more doctors and nurses to keep up with the influx of veterans recently returned from two new wars overseas. Even more, the Senate also voted to increase tuition assistance and job training for veterans returning home, helping them to better reintegrate with society. 

 It's a big victory, and it has a lot to do with all of us making our voices heard. 

But now it's important Senators know that we appreciate their vote on this issue. Use our Contact Congress tool and send a message thanking them for standing up for veterans. 

 This is one vote, and we all appreciate the action. But there are still a number of Senators and Representatives who have consistently put their small-government at-all-costs ideology ahead of the veterans they've callously sent off to war. 

 Elected officials like Senator Mitch McConnell, Congressman Tom Cotton and Steve Daines who forget that the commitment to care for the men and women who put on our nation's uniform shouldn't stop once they return home from the wars they were sent to fight.

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