Friday, June 6, 2014

Energy is like Water

Energy is like water--it wants to flow and can shift states at any moment. Judging or rejecting any aspect of our genuine identity disrupts that flow of energy. For example, if instead of being available to feel your anger when it arises you repress or deny it, that accumulating emotion acquires density and over time, becomes rage. But if you can learn to slow down and lean into your emotion, the anger can wash through and out of you and energy flows freely.
By allowing ourselves to acknowledge, experience and release these emotions without judgment, we are clearing the obstacles to our authentic self, what I term one's "soul signature." The soul signature is our purest potential expressed. You can have a calling to be a writer, but unless you are connected to who you are at the  deepest level, your writing won't have the same impact.
The most powerful tool is our breath. Witnessing and honoring our breath in every moment allows us to transform every day into living meditation. (Unleashing Unlimited Potential, Panache Desai
Ron Alexander LIKE: The most powerful tool is our breath. Witnessing and honoring our breath in every moment allows us to transform every day into living meditation. (Unleashing Unlimited Potential, Panache Desai)
Ron Alexander Andy Skadberg: And now we can know that we are our breath, connect with it, and leave behind the belief that we are only the images, thoughts and beliefs that we have held. We are each cosmoses, holding in form innumerable tiny universes coming into our consciousness of ONENESS - one breath at a time.
LIKE: By allowing ourselves to acknowledge, experience and release these emotions without judgment, we are clearing the obstacles to our authentic self, what I term one's "soul signature." The soul signature is our purest potential expressed. You can have a calling to be a writer, but unless you are connected to who you are at the  deepest level, your writing won't have the same impact.

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