Friday, June 20, 2014

Doris Colbert Kennedy Artist Talk - Brilliant rswt paints God

On this presentation is a Quantum Physicist and Rev. Edwin D Kosak helping her explain the significance of her awesome art!

Doris Colbert Kennedy's works intuitively express the dynamics of theoretical physics as she paints the quantum motions of waves, strings, gluinos, conifold transitions and Higgs Particles. Her interactive entities and concepts are metaphorically reflective of philosophical constructs; the individuation of Existentialism is dissolved and the cosmic interdependence of the Tao obtains in

each paint stroke as it moves across the canvas.

Kennedy’s oil paintings have gone from realism to abstraction. She terms her current images “Intuitive Realism” as she paints what cannot be seen: energies, God and the dynamics of quantum physics. "My current paintings are of an unseen reality, and they explore only the depth of things. It is this depth of sub-atomic energies, this quantum world, which comprises and defines all-that-is in our subjective and objective world. All-that-is is often perceived as God."

BIO: Doris was born in Washington, DC, and studied art receiving her bachelors and masters degrees from Howard University. She has also lived in Ghana, West Africa and currently resides in Charleston, which she describes as "magical and forever". A renowned teacher & lecturer, Doris' artwork has also been selected to be in many solo and group shows nationwide and abroad.

Press: Doris has caught the attention of many magazines and to name a few she has had articles written in Art Mag Winter 2014, The Charleston City Paper, The International Review of African American Art, The Washington Post, and The Columbia Flier.

Ron Alexander: On this Youtube presentation is a Quantum Physicist and Rev. Edwin D Kosak helping her explain the significance of her awesome art
..Barbara Whiting: Thank you, Ron. This has been a most engaging and brilliant video. Do you know Doris.....I would like to contact her.

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