Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Cosmic Soup of Creation: Unity's version of God working in us, through us...

Thought For the Week: A 2'fer, two thoughts for the week Rev. Ed Kosak
1. When I get out of the practice of working out, it's hard to get back in. Same thing goes for our spiritual practices. We need to be reminded of our our divine essence, to meditate/pray, to connect with like minds, to be reminded of our oneness with God and each other, to learn how we can do justice in the world...and one of the best ways to be reminded is by going to Sunday services or classes, meditating etc. It's understandable that we forget these things because we can get so busy, so "bought into" the world that we forget we are spiritual beings living in a spiritual universe. And it's a practice, just like working out. And when we get out of practice, it's harder to gt back on the "wagon", the spiritual wagon that is.
I never liked discipline but something helped me frame the concept more positively. Discipline comes from the word disciple, follow. When we have to do something for ourselves that is healthy and good but we fall out of practice, like working out or getting to our spiritual home, we "follow" our goodness, our healthiness and get back to working out or our spiritual practices!
2. In Unity, we teach that our faith in God as we each understand God to be has nothing to do with what God will DO For us, but how God will co-create through in ourselves and God! We have a major part in how we shape and create our lives and God will support the efforts we put forward, (or, conversely, our lack of effort). Our faith does not make God or manipulate God to do anything, as it is traditionally understood. Get this from Butterworth: "Faith tunes in to the reality and releases the imprisoned splendor". How 'bout that! Faith believes in an abundant universe and it tunes into or taps into or accesses the abundance that is the universe/God when we pray and meditate. Then pours forth our good, whatever it is supposed to be. It may be specifically our intentions set forth, or may be different and something we could not even have imagined.
I sometimes call it the cosmic soup of creation. God and I together are creating it. We put in all the ingredients, our intentions. The heat helps bring out the flavors (outcomes).  God and I are the chefs.
I like this take on Faith because it's up to us to be responsible for our life and not God doing it for us. This is empowering and gets us out of victimhood and into creating a better life. 
What say ye o wise ones? 

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