Thursday, May 1, 2014

Now, with sale of boat, I may take off for Silent Retreat soon?

One of the things the sale of the boat has done, has afforded me to go to another Silent Meditation retreat of at least ten days in the near future. I will cut down on my posts here concentrating on Compassionate, Mindful, Loving Kindness Meditation - the way I want to lead the rest of my life, as I have taken the Bodhisattva Vow! 

 Pamela Arrington I'm very glad for you. I think the retreat would be fantastic. Our world is so noisy. I am sitting in my living room enjoying the breeze and there is a lawnmower going, two kids screaming, tv's going, cars roaring by and my cat keeps whacking my dog on the head for no reason. I could use some silence.
Anatoly Petrenko Your intention is inspiring! I wish that all your virtuous aspirations be fulfilled!
I'd think letting go of the boat was a practice in itself. Yet you're continue to show up as a captain of your life.

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