Saturday, May 31, 2014

Never Apologize for your existence

Even if, at times, you feel you have done the worst thing imaginable or that the whole world is against you or rejects you. Even if you feel no one understands you, loves you or accepts you, do not entirely trust your mind.
Do not think it... is on your side.

Know This:

You never have to apologise for your existence.
You are not here by accident but by the will and love of the Supreme Lord of the universe.

You are not merely 'living' life; you are Life itself and also the witness of life.

All challenges in life arise to motivate, mature and direct your mind towards true wisdom. Thus, by opening your heart to Truth, they stimulate and inspire you to go beyond the inhibited personal self and its projections, misconceptions and false beliefs.
Ultimately challenges lead you, through Grace, to discover your real nature and Self as Unborn Awareness.
Ultimately challenges lead you, through Grace, to discover your real nature and Self as Unborn Awareness.

~ Mooji

May 2014 

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