Saturday, May 17, 2014

Need Do Nothing - Be a Human Being not a human doing

at the feet,
of pure awareness
at the feet,
of silence
at the feet,
of tranquility,
the willingness
to look,
through complete stillness,
of stillness,
to add nothing,
to know nothing,
to simply be the space
of looking,
completely empty
of all past learning.
yes, the willingness
to do so very, very little
direct looking,
adding no past,
adding no future
add nothing
upon Her Virginity
this completely new,
ever fresh
this Virgin Moment
(and even the word "moment"
but eclipses her Limitlessness)
add not one dot.
it is yours but to see.
to add
is to act,
to re-act,
to re-peat,
the old
the familiar
the missed take,
again and again and again
Joy is whole.
Nature is whole.
It needs not one thing added,
nor any conditions
to be what it already is
just taste it,
never before
means no past.
this moment has never been known before,
is literally,
add nothing
you need carry nothing with you
no pipe dream can possibly give you
more than Everything
Perfection is.
To add is to blind yourself to Perfection.
so gloriously simple,
so gloriously simple,
see but the Gift before your eyes.
Add nothing.
when you realize this is all of it--
to end suffering.
so close,
so immediate,
so ever present
simply this,
add nothing
your beautiful innocent newborn
is all there ever is
without the activity of mind of constructing,
you can see it's already constructed
add nothing
or you've left the temple,
the altar
of what is,
the whole ground,
for des pair,
for de spar ate explanations...
add nothing,
and i return to no conflict,
the path of no effort
as soon as you stop efforting,
all Joy, all peace, all Love, relaxation, rest--
everything you've ever wanted,
is to stop efforting
add nothing
or you bind you
it's an impossible fit--
all that is
plus something else;
you'll never squeeze this
into the shoe,
thank God!
here is where reality
begins to dawn
upon the mind
add nothing.
what could possibly be
than to simply receive
what is already
given you?

  • Ron Alexander Describes my day of silence and meditation needing to do nothing (until last hour), thanks Joy! At first, I was frustrated at having little energy, then I just accepted it and ended up feeling blissful - no hurry, no worry attitude!

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