Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Ego is not the enemy

INDEED:"...why must I "kill off" a part of me that is as much a part of Spirit as the rest of me?" Carol DeCosta (above) (instead of "Spirit", I would use word "my wholeness", Ron
Davida Luminabes Daido used to say that w/o any sense of self, a person would be a blithering blob..not noticeably functional on this earth-plane.. the idea, i think, is to clear up false programs/impressions/imprints.. it helps me to remember that what we have from so many great teachers, has been translated as best as possible into english. being ego-centric is not the same as a healthy sense of self. 
Ron Alexander Thanks Davida Luminabes, I have found that a person who is considered egotistical, an egoist, narcissistic, etc. is really a person attempting to compensate for a weak sense of self. The key is awareness - keeping a balance between Spirit and self, however not demonizing the vital ego!
Ron Alexander Michelle Bernadette the ego as a concept was developed by Freud, however it is a positive definition. "The ego is the CONSCIOUS bridge between the id (lower brain) with the Superego (our higher self). Freud would probably consider the "id" is what most people are demonizing rather than the "ego". ACIM has been a major demonizer of the "ego" as well as the body. And I really have learned a lot of awesome ideas from that large tome. Bill Thetford, who I consider the scribe of ACIM (Helen was the channel), reminded us that these terms are all concepts, and told us to "tear out those pages". To me he really role-,modeled the Essence of ACIM teaching - "The Essence of our Being is Love."

Davida Luminabes ego or id.. demonizing (in either perspective or set of words/concepts) is not loving.. i love that he said to tear out those pages.. they were troublesome..

Photo: Embrace your ego's potential! It is the force that allows you to shine your light to the world. #SoulSignature #33DayPath

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