Sunday, May 4, 2014

Cherish Happy Moments and be grateful for all of them

Cherish all your happy moments: They make a fine cushion for old age.
Booth Tarkington(
And be grateful for even the dark moments, as you would not be here without them either!
Ron Alexander I have learned, thanks to a friend, that being grateful to my earlier wild character, Capt. Ron for without him I would not be here now - a vital part of me. And gratefulness automatically leads to forgiveness. Thanks to Cindy Gerald Weaks for re-minding me this morning at Unity Service at beautiful Bowen's Island near Folly Beach.

  • Eileen Hafner Beautiful truth, Ron. Thank you for sharing your wisdom here. I too am moving into a place of being grateful for ALL of it. Every experience I had is EXACTLY what my soul came here for. 


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