Friday, May 2, 2014

Begin and End with Yes!

This is a Begin with Yes thanks to Susan Boles, and it will be my End with Yes, good night friends!
When we are feeling fearful, tense, and worried or stuck, we just need to remember we’ve been here before and we’ve always worked our way through it. We are so much stronger and so much more capable than we may think. And if you don’t believe me, just look at all you’ve already dealt with and remind yourself – you’re still here!

Photo: When we are feeling fearful, tense, and worried or stuck, we just need to remember we’ve been here before and we’ve always worked our way through it. We are so much stronger and so much more capable than we may think. And if you don’t believe me, just look at all you’ve already dealt with and remind yourself – you’re still here!

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